Tuesday, 25 July 2017

School's out for summer.

This morning, a colleague and I both blared music out of our classrooms at 7.30am, because we can and it is the last day of school! 'One Day More' from Les Mis and the afformentioned Alice Cooper hit featured heavily.

So here I am. The day I have longed to arrive for weeks finally does arrive and then the inevitable 'oh' moment and you feel a little lost. I have felt that a little tonight.

It won't last long. My flat is a pit and a nice man is coming to value it on Thursday lunchtime, so tomorrow is clean, hoover, scrub, tidy and shove stuff under the bed time!

I want to use these holidays productively. I want to write more. This blog is filled with promises to write more often, and this time I will.

One thing I want to do is read more, and that includes getting stuck into my Bible. I have decided to go through the book of Joshua as well as trying to learn a few passages elsewhere too.

I may post my thoughts on what I find, and also general amusing things that happen in my holiday too.

Must go to bed now and play some Catan on my iPad, because.... I have no alarm to wake me up tomorrow!!!!

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