Monday, 29 September 2008

Tabloid Masquerade


Scream Daily

Be brain-washed Daily

Feel Apathy Daily

Pre-judge Daily

Dictate Daily

Withdraw Daily

Have Nightmares Daily

Encourage Ignorance Daily

Feel nothing Daily

Make ill-informed judgements Daily

Voice sympathy for facism Daily

Support the BNP Daily

Suspend rational thought Daily

Shock Yourself Daily


mo.stoneskin said...

Insult the human race's intelligence Daily.

Irritate me Daily.

Pander to celebrity worship Daily.

Write to a target literary age of less than 5 Daily.

Give journalism a bad name Daily.

Be nothing more than the propaganda of the mayor Daily. (Ken Livingstone, of course, not Boris Johnson).

Tim De Marco said...

Oh, I was agreeing with you up until that last paragraph!